Contact the League
League Information
- The Season will run November to the end of February
- Games played Thursday evenings and any time Sunday 8-3 @ Wesley Bishop Rinks
- Practices/Scrimmages Monday nights
- Playoffs at the end of the season
Certified Referees
We will have (2) certified, paid box lacrosse referees for every game
Targeting teams of 12-14 players with 8 per league
- 3/4 Grade
- 5/6 Grade
- 7/8 Grade
- High School
Open to anyone who wants to participate, boys and girls
League Setup
1. Open Training Sessions Will Be Held Before The Season
(No Official Evals)
2. Coaches Will Draft Players
3. There are no pre-set teams being entered
When a player registers, they go into the player pool. Following the three evaluations, coaches will draft players onto their teams.